All our members go through an initial organisational audit which looks at aspects such as their webpage, course administration and quality control. They then accredit specific courses at a range of different levels. Click on each member below for more details.
video tips
ACTDEC partners share their experience and know-how to help you decide if a career teaching English is the right choice for you.

You may have come across the idea that a distance or online teacher training programme is inferior to a face-to-face CELTA course, but this is not necessarily true, especially if you choose a reputable course provider, such as our accredited members. There are many, many reasons people choose to study online, but for now we will mention just a few of the advantages:
Online programmes are much kinder to your wallet. You can follow a substantial course of professional training for a much lower fee than a presential course. Additionally, you save on travel and/or residential costs.
You get to work from home at your own pace. This is particularly useful if you are currently working and cannot afford a period away from your regular employment.
Online programmes offer generous time periods to complete the course. This means that you have time to fully cover and, importantly, absorb a wide range of material essential to a quality course of professional training.
If you are currently teaching, you get the chance to try out new ideas and put into practice what you are learning as you go through the programme.
You can start your learning as soon as you want; you don't have to wait around for the course to begin.
A quality online programme will give you individualised feedback on your progress and your work.
Online professional training is no longer a second choice or last resort. Each year, hundreds of students follow an ACTDEC accredited course to successfully qualify as teachers.

how to choose a good programme
The Do's and Don't's of selecting a quality online English Language Teacher (ELT) training programme
Type "online TEFL course" into a search engine and a bewildering range of course providers and courses will come up. How on earth do you choose? Below are six top tips on how to choose a high quality TESOL course.
Look for an accredited course, and then check the accrediting body's credentials. Don't just assume that because a provider says "accredited" on their website that they are a quality course provider. Find out what that means in terms of the standards required by the accreditor.
Don't go for the cheapest option! It is worth considering that a really first class professional, interactive distance programme is costly (both in terms of time and money) to produce and maintain and a reputable provider will hire experienced, professional tutors who don't necessarily come cheap.
Try to compare like for like in terms of the number of hours of course provided, and dig a little deeper to find out the breakdown of hours per module/unit. As a general rule, anything below 100 hours is not a "Certificate" level course, which is generally the minimum level an employer will consider. (See our Levels Framework for more information on this.)
Check to see whether references/links are provided and whether these are up to date - look at any "freebie" materials offered on the website, for example, video lessons, blogs, sample lessons etc. Good course providers will stay on top of latest research in the field and update their materials and methods on an ongoing basis.
Ask the provider for their minimum qualifications for tutors/trainers. At ACTDEC, we recommend that tutors should have a qualification that is at least one level up from the course they are teaching. So, if they are teaching a Cert-level, they should have, as a minimum, a Diploma or equivalent. Additionally, they should have at least 3 years' teaching experience.
Find out how you will be assessed on the course. We can't stress how important well-planned assessment is for a quality learning experience. You should know what the learning objectives are for each module and how you will be evaluated against these learning outcomes.
Make sure that you will receive constructive feedback on your assignments from a qualified tutor. This is particularly important in an online environment because you won't have the benefit of learning from your peers. In general terms, the more contact you are offered with your tutor (provides constructive feedback on tasks and assignments, answers questions, checks in with you from time to time), the better the course.

Our Services

Explore what our accredited members have to offer and see our tips and advice on finding the right course for you!
If you have successfully passed an accredited course with one of our members, for a small fee you can request an additional ACTDEC certificate.

Our partners' trainees can request a certificate directly from ACTDEC, for a small fee. All ACTDEC certificates issued are published below so potential employers can verify that you attended an ACTDEC accredited course.